§ 16.1-309.2. Purpose and intent.
The General Assembly, to ensure the imposition of appropriate and justsanctions and to make the most efficient use of correctional resources forthose juveniles before intake on complaints or the court on petitionsalleging that the juvenile is a child in need of services, child in need ofsupervision, or delinquent, has determined that it is in the best interest ofthe Commonwealth to establish a community-based system of progressiveintensive sanctions and services that correspond to the severity of offenseand treatment needs. The purpose of this system shall be to deter crime byproviding immediate, effective punishment that emphasizes accountability ofthe juvenile offender for his actions as well as reduces the pattern ofrepeat offending. In furtherance of this purpose, counties, cities orcombinations thereof are encouraged to develop, implement, operate andevaluate programs and services responsive to their specific juvenile offenderneeds and juvenile crime trends.
This article shall be interpreted and construed to accomplish the followingpurposes:
1. Promote an adequate level of services to be available to every juvenileand domestic relations district court.
2. Ensure local autonomy and flexibility in addressing juvenile crime.
3. Encourage a public and private partnership in the design and delivery ofservices for juveniles who come before intake on a complaint or the court ona petition alleging a child is in need of services, in need of supervision ordelinquent.
4. Emphasize parental responsibility and provide community-based services forjuveniles and their families which hold them accountable for their behavior.
5. Establish a locally driven statewide planning process for the allocationof state resources.
6. Promote the development of an adequate service capacity for juvenilesbefore intake on a complaint or the court on petitions alleging status ordelinquent offenses.
(1995, cc. 698, 840; 1996, cc. 671, 682.)