§ 16.1-309.5. Construction, etc., of detention homes and other facilities;reimbursement in part by Commonwealth.
A. The Commonwealth shall reimburse any county, city or any combinationthereof for one-half the cost of construction, enlargement, renovation,purchase or rental of a detention home or other facilities the plans andspecifications of which were approved by the Board and the Governor inaccordance with the provisions of subsection C of this section.
B. The construction, renovation, purchase, rental, maintenance and operationof a detention home or other facilities established by a county, city or anycombination thereof and the necessary expenses incurred in operating suchfacilities shall be the responsibility of the county, city or any combinationthereof.
C. The Board shall promulgate regulations to include criteria to serve asguidelines in evaluating requests for such reimbursements and to ensure thegeographically equitable distribution of state funds provided for suchpurpose. Priority funding shall be given to multijurisdictional initiatives.No such reimbursement for costs of construction shall be made, however,unless the plans and specifications, including the need for additionalpersonnel therefor, have been submitted to the Governor and the constructionhas been approved by him. Such reimbursement shall be paid by the StateTreasurer out of funds appropriated to the Department. In the event that acounty or city requests and receives financial assistance from other publicfund sources outside the provisions of this law, the total financialassistance and reimbursement shall not exceed the total construction cost ofthe project exclusive of land and site improvement costs, and such fundsshall not be considered state funds.
(1995, cc. 698, 840; 2000, cc. 562, 601.)