§ 16.1-309.6. How state appropriations for operating costs of JuvenileCommunity Crime Control Act programs determined; notice of financial aid.
The Governor's proposed biennial budget shall include, for each fiscal year,an appropriation for operating costs for Juvenile Community Crime Control Actprograms. The proposed appropriation shall include amounts for compensatingcounties, cities and combinations thereof which elect to establish a systemof community-based services pursuant to this article. Upon approval pursuantto the provisions of this article, any county, city or combination thereofwhich utilized predispositional or postdispositional block grant services orprograms in fiscal year 1995 shall contribute an amount not less than the sumof its fiscal year 1995 expenditures for child care day placements inpredispositional and postdispositional block grant alternatives to securedetention for implementation of its local plan. Such amount shall not includeany expenditures in fiscal year 1995 for secure detention and placements madepursuant to § 2.2-5211.
The Department shall review annually the costs of operating services,programs and facilities pursuant to this article and recommend adjustments tomaintain the Commonwealth's proportionate share. The Department shall nolater than the fifteenth day following adjournment sine die of the GeneralAssembly provide each county and city an estimate of funds appropriatedpursuant to this article.
(1995, cc. 698, 840; 1996, cc. 671, 682; 1998, c. 54.)