§ 16.1-316. Number and terms of members; admission of additional localgoverning bodies.
A juvenile detention home, group home or other residential care facilitycommission shall consist of not less than three members and shall becomprised of at least one member from each participating politicalsubdivision. In addition, the participating political subdivisions mayprovide for the appointment of an alternate for each principal member of sucha commission. The alternate members may attend and participate in allmeetings of the commission and may vote in the absence of their respectiveprincipals. Such members and alternates, if any, shall be appointed, afterconsultation with the chief judge of the juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict court, by the governing body. Neither the chief judge nor any judgeof the juvenile and domestic relations district court from his district shallbe a member of the commission.
The term of office of all members and alternates, if any, shall be for fouryears. When additional local governing bodies desire to join the commission,they may do so upon the recommendation of the commission and with theapproval of the sponsoring local governing bodies. The number of memberswhich the applicant local governments will be entitled to appoint to suchcommission and other conditions relating to the expansion of sponsoringmembership shall be determined by the agreement entered into between or amongthe sponsoring local governments and such applicant local governments.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-202.3; 1966, c. 509; 1972, cc. 365, 430; 1974, c. 645;1976, c. 448; 1977, c. 559; 1978, cc. 37, 717; 1984, c. 77; 1988, c. 885;1992, c. 441; 1998, c. 488.)