§ 16.1-322.2. Payment of funds quarterly; distribution and reallocation ofreserve.
State moneys appropriated to the Department for the support of local juvenilesecure detention facilities and apportioned in accordance with § 16.1-322.1shall be paid to localities or commissions quarterly. If a local juvenilesecure detention facility fails to comply with Department policy or standardsadopted by the State Board, the next quarterly payment may be reduced and thedifference paid into the general fund of the state treasury. In effectingsuch a reduction of funds, the Department shall not be required to complywith the provisions of Chapter 40 (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) of Title 2.2.
Any moneys distributed by the Commonwealth under this section which areunexpended at the end of each fiscal year within a biennium shall be retainedby the locality or commission and subsequently expended for operatingexpenses of juvenile secure detention facilities. Any surplus funds remainingat the end of the biennium shall be returned to the state treasury.
The Governor may withhold approval for state expenditures, by reimbursementor otherwise, for the purpose set out in this section as provided in thecurrent general appropriations act.
(1982, c. 636; 1983, c. 358; 1986, c. 394; 1995, cc. 698, 840.)