§ 16.1-345.5. Continuation of mandatory outpatient treatment order.
A. At any time within 30 days prior to the expiration of a mandatoryoutpatient treatment order, the community services board that is required tomonitor the minor's compliance with the order may file with the juvenile anddomestic relations district court for the jurisdiction in which the minorresides a motion for review to continue the order for a period not to exceed90 days.
B. The court shall grant the motion for review and enter an appropriate orderwithout further hearing if it is joined by (i) the minor's parents and theminor if he is 14 years of age or older, or (ii) the minor's parents if theminor is younger than 14 years of age. If the minor's parents and the minor,if necessary, do not join the motion, the court shall schedule a hearing andprovide notice of the hearing in accordance with subsection A of § 16.1-345.4.
C. Upon receipt of the motion for review, the court shall appoint a qualifiedevaluator who shall personally examine the minor pursuant to § 16.1-342. Thecommunity services board required to monitor the minor's compliance with themandatory outpatient treatment order shall provide a preadmission screeningreport as required in § 16.1-340.4.
D. After observing the minor, reviewing the preadmission screening report,and considering the appointed qualified evaluator's report and any otherrelevant evidence referenced in § 16.1-345 and subsection A of § 16.1-345.2,the court may make one of the dispositions specified in subsection D of §16.1-345.4. If the court finds that a continued period of mandatoryoutpatient treatment is warranted, it may continue the order for a period notto exceed 90 days. Any order of mandatory outpatient treatment that is ineffect at the time a motion for review for the continuation of the order isfiled shall remain in effect until the court enters a subsequent order in thecase.
E. For the purposes of this section, the "court" shall not include aspecial justice as authorized in § 37.2-803.
(2009, cc. 455, 555; 2010, cc. 778, 825.)