§ 16.1-346. Treatment plans; periodic review of status.
A. Within 10 days of commitment ordered under § 16.1-345, the director of thefacility to which the minor was committed shall ensure that an individualizedplan of treatment has been prepared by the provider responsible for theminor's treatment and, if applicable, has been communicated to the parent.The minor shall be involved in the preparation of the plan to the maximumfeasible extent consistent with his ability to understand and participate,and the minor's family shall be involved to the maximum extent consistentwith the minor's treatment needs. The plan shall include a preliminary planfor placement and aftercare upon completion of inpatient treatment and shallinclude specific behavioral and emotional goals against which the success oftreatment may be measured. A copy of the plan shall be provided to the minor,his parents, and, upon request, to his attorney and his guardian ad litem.
B. A minor committed to inpatient treatment shall be discharged from thefacility when he no longer meets the commitment criteria as determined byappropriate hospital medical staff review.
(1990, c. 975; 1991, c. 159; 2010, cc. 778, 825.)