§ 16.1-346.1. Discharge plan.
Prior to discharge of any minor admitted to inpatient treatment, including aminor in detention or shelter care pursuant to an order of a juvenile anddomestic relations district court, a discharge plan shall be formulated,provided and explained to the minor, and copies thereof shall be sent (i) tothe minor's parents or (ii) if the minor is in the custody of the localdepartment of social services, to the department's director or the director'sdesignee or (iii) to the minor's parents and (a) if the juvenile is to behoused in a detention home upon discharge, to the court in which the petitionhas been filed and the facility superintendent, or (b) if the minor is incustody of the local department of social services, to the department. A copyof the plan shall also be provided, upon request, to the minor's attorney andguardian ad litem. If the minor was admitted to a state facility, thedischarge plan shall be contained in a uniform discharge document developedby the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The planshall, at a minimum, (i) specify the services required by the released minorin the community to meet his needs for treatment, housing, nutrition,physical care, and safety; (ii) specify any income subsidies for which theminor is eligible; (iii) identify all local and state agencies which will beinvolved in providing treatment and support to the minor; and (iv) specifyservices which would be appropriate for the minor's treatment and support inthe community but which are currently unavailable. A minor in detention orshelter care prior to admission to inpatient treatment shall be returned tothe detention home, shelter care, or other facility approved by theDepartment of Juvenile Justice within 24 hours by the sheriff serving thejurisdiction where the minor was detained upon release from the treatingfacility, unless the juvenile and domestic relations district court havingjurisdiction over the case has provided written authorization for release ofthe minor, prior to the scheduled date of release.
(1991, c. 159; 1995, c. 304; 2005, cc. 346, 716; 2010, cc. 778, 825.)