§ 16.1-69.11. Chief judges; judges; substitute judges.
Judges of the district courts shall be designated as follows:
(a) In each district there shall be one chief general district judge and onechief juvenile and domestic relations district judge who shall serve as suchfor a term of two years commencing July 1 of the even-numbered years. Thechief district judges shall be designated by judges of the district courthaving jurisdiction in the district. If the designation is to be made by morethan one judge and there is a tie vote, then the chief circuit judge havingjurisdiction in the district shall make the designation. The incumbent chiefjudge shall call for an election at the conclusion of the term as chief judgeand shall report the results of such election forthwith to the office of theExecutive Secretary. The incumbent chief judge may succeed himself;
(b) Each judge, except substitute judges, shall be designated either generaldistrict court judge or juvenile and domestic relations district court judgedepending on the court he is so designated to serve; the terms "associatejudge" and "assistant judge" shall no longer be applicable and whereversuch terms appear in the Code of Virginia they shall be deemed to refer toeither general district court judges or juvenile and domestic relations courtjudges as appropriate;
(c) Substitute judges shall continue to be designated as such.
(1972, c. 708; 1973, c. 546; 1975, c. 334; 1976, c. 374.)