§ 16.1-69.18. Bonds of judges, clerks, and others handling funds.
Before entering upon the performance of his duties every judge, substitutejudge, clerk, deputy clerk or other officer or employee of a district courtshall enter into bond before the clerk of a circuit court to which appealsfrom his court lie, except as hereinafter provided. The bond shall be in apenalty and with corporate surety approved by the judge of such appellatecourt. No such bond shall be in a penalty of less than $3,000, nor more than$75,000, and all such bonds shall be conditioned for the faithful performanceof the duties of the principal. The bonds shall be made payable to theCommonwealth and shall be filed with the clerk of such appellate court.Provided, however, that instead of specific bonds being given as stipulatedherein, the Committee on District Courts may in their discretion procurefaithful performance of duty blanket bonds for any or all of the districtsenumerated in § 16.1-69.6 covering the judges, substitute judges, clerks andother personnel of the several district courts included in such districts andwithin the penalty limits contained in this section, unless in the discretionof the Committee, bonds with a larger maximum penalty should be obtained.Provided further, that in those instances where specific bonds for judges,clerks, deputy clerks or other officers or employees of a district court arein effect, the Committee on District Courts may, whenever they deem itadvisable, terminate such specific bonds upon obtaining a blanket bondcovering such court personnel with appropriate refund or credit being madefor the unearned premiums on the specific bonds being terminated. A copy ofany such blanket bond so procured shall be filed with the Division of RiskManagement within the Department of Treasury and with the clerk of therespective circuit courts to which appeals from the decisions of the severaldistrict courts may lie. The premiums for such bonds shall be paid by theCommonwealth.
(1972, c. 708; 1973, c. 546; 1974, c. 3; 1975, c. 334; 2002, c. 406.)