§ 16.1-69.22:1. Temporary recall of retired district court judges.
A. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may call upon and authorize anyjudge of a district court who is retired under the Judicial Retirement System(§ 51.1-300 et seq.) to perform, for a period not to exceed ninety days atany one time, such judicial duties in any district court as the Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court shall deem in the public interest for the expeditiousdisposition of the business of such courts.
B. It shall be the obligation of any retired judge who is recalled totemporary service under this section and who has not attained age seventy toaccept the recall and perform the duties assigned. It shall be within thediscretion of any judge who has attained age seventy to accept such recall.
C. Any judge recalled to duty under this section shall have all the powers,duties, and privileges attendant on the position he is recalled to serve.
(1990, c. 832.)