§ 16.1-69.39. Appointment of personnel.
All personnel shall be appointed by, serve at the pleasure of, and be subjectto removal by the chief judge of the district court in which they serve. Inthe event of any personnel authorized to serve in both a general districtcourt and juvenile and domestic relations district court within any district,appointments and removals shall be made by the chief judges of such courtsand in the event of a tie vote on any such matter the chief judges of thedistrict shall certify such fact to the Committee on District Courts whoshall decide the matter. The provisions of this section shall not beapplicable in the event of authorization for any deputy circuit court clerkor deputy clerk to serve any district court. Personnel subject to theprovisions of this article shall not be subject to the Virginia Personnel Act(§ 2.2-2900 et seq.).
(1972, c. 708; 1973, c. 546; 1975, c. 334.)