§ 16.1-69.5. Meaning of certain terms.
Unless the context should otherwise require, the terms set out in thissection shall be construed as follows:
(a) "Courts not of record" shall mean all courts in the Commonwealth belowthe jurisdictional level of the circuit courts including general districtcourts and juvenile and domestic relations district courts;
(b) "General district courts" shall mean all courts not of record, exceptjuvenile and domestic relations district courts in counties and citiesheretofore designated as county and municipal courts;
(c) "Juvenile and domestic relations district courts" shall mean all courtsin counties and cities heretofore designated as juvenile and domesticrelations courts or regional juvenile and domestic relations courts;
(d) "District courts" shall mean general district courts and juvenile anddomestic relations district courts;
(e) "County courts" and "municipal courts" shall be deemed to refer togeneral district courts;
(f) "Juvenile and domestic relations courts" and "regional juvenile anddomestic relations courts" shall be deemed to refer to juvenile and domesticrelations district courts; and
(g) "Chief judge" shall mean that judge so designated for a term to assumeprimary administrative responsibility for the general district courts or thejuvenile and domestic relations district courts in the district served bysuch judge.
(1972, c. 708; 1973, c. 546; 1975, c. 334.)