§ 16.1-69.54. General provisions.
Each district court shall retain and store its court records as provided inthis article. The Committee on District Courts, after consultation with theExecutive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia, shall determine themethods of processing, retention, reproduction and disposal of records andinformation in district courts, including records required to be retained indistrict courts by statute.
Whenever a court record has been reproduced for the purpose of recordretention under this article, such original may be disposed of uponcompletion of the Commonwealth's audit of the court records unless approvalis given by the Auditor of Public Accounts for earlier disposition. In theevent of such reproduction, the reproduction of the court record shall beretained in accordance with the retention periods specified in this section.The reproduction shall have the same force and effect as the original courtrecord and shall be given the same faith and credit to which the originalitself would have been entitled in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
(1983, c. 499.)