§ 16.1-69.9:2. Vacancies in office of judges; terms of successor judges;appointment while General Assembly not in session.
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of a full-time district court judgethe successor shall be elected for a full term of six years and uponqualification shall enter at once upon the discharge of the duties of hisoffice. But subject to the provisions of § 16.1-69.9:3, the judges of thecircuit having jurisdiction over the district shall have the power while theGeneral Assembly is not in session to fill pro tempore vacancies in theoffice of full-time district court judges. Appointment to every such vacancyshall be by commission to expire at the end of thirty days after thecommencement of the next session of the General Assembly.
(1973, c. 546; 1980, c. 194; 2001, c. 256.)