§ 16.1-108. Deposit of money in lieu of bond.
In lieu of giving bond with surety as provided in this article, any partyappealing from the judgment or order of the court may deposit with the judgeor clerk thereof, who shall issue his official receipt therefor, such sum ofmoney as the judge or clerk may estimate to be sufficient to discharge anyjudgment or order which may be entered by the court of record on the trial ofthe appeal to secure the appeal bond. The money so deposited shall betransmitted in cash, by check of the court, surety bond, or bank check, or bydraft from the escrow account of the appealing party's attorney to the clerkof the court to which the appeal is taken, who shall likewise issue hisofficial receipt therefor.
(1956, c. 555; 1975, c. 227; 1988, c. 698; 2007, c. 131.)