§ 16.1-116. Issuance of executions and abstracts and proceedings byinterrogatories after papers returned to circuit court.
When a judgment has been rendered in a civil action in a general districtcourt and the papers in the action have been returned to the clerk of thecircuit court for filing and preserving, executions upon and abstracts of thejudgment may be issued by the clerk of such circuit court within the periodspermitted under § 8.01-251, provided that such judgment has been duly enteredin the judgment lien docket book of such court. However, for a period of twoyears from the date of any such judgment, the judge or clerk of the generaldistrict court may also issue executions upon and abstracts of the judgment.In addition, proceedings by interrogatories may be had in the circuit courtas if the judgment had been rendered by that court.
(1956, c. 555; 1962, c. 444; 1983, c. 499.)