§ 16.1-117. When papers in civil cases in certain municipal courts may bedestroyed.
The clerk of any municipal court in which papers are filed and preservedunder § 16.1-69.55 may destroy the files, papers and records connected withany civil case in such court, if:
(1) Such case was dismissed without any adjudication of the merits of thecontroversy, and the final order entered was one of dismissal and six monthshave elapsed from the date of such dismissal; or
(2) Judgment was entered in such case but the right to issue an execution orbring a scire facias or an action on such judgment is barred by § 8.01-251;and
(3) The destruction of such papers is authorized and directed by an order ofthe judge of the court in which they are filed and preserved, which order mayrefer to such papers by any one or more of the above classifications, or toany group or kind of cases embraced therein, without express reference to anyparticular case.
(1956, c. 555.)