§ 16.1-77.2. Jurisdiction of partition of personal property and proceedingstherefor.
Every general district court shall have jurisdiction of proceedings forpartition of personal property, within the limits as to value and inaccordance with the provisions hereinafter contained.
When joint owners of personal property of the value of more than $20 but notmore than maximum jurisdictional limits of the court as provided in § 16.1-77(1) cannot agree upon a partition thereof, any party in interest may compelpartition, the proceeding for which shall be commenced by a petitionpresented to a general district court as prescribed in subsection 5 of §8.01-262. A copy of the petition, together with a notice of the time andplace the petitioner will ask for a hearing thereon, shall be served on eachof the defendants at least 10 days prior to the day of hearing. The courtshall hear and decide the matter without the appointment or use ofcommissioners.
Any party aggrieved by a final judgment rendered by the general districtcourt in any such proceeding shall have an appeal of right to any circuitcourt of the county or city having jurisdiction of appeals from such generaldistrict court, to be perfected within the time, and in all other respects inaccordance with the provisions of law concerning appeals from generaldistrict courts in other civil cases.
(Code 1950, § 8-703; 1952, c. 252; 1972, c. 368; 1977, c. 624; 1983, c. 616;2007, c. 869.)