§ 16.1-135. Bail and recognizance; papers filed with circuit court.
A person who has been convicted of an offense in a district court and who hasnoted an appeal, either at the time judgment is rendered or subsequent to itsentry, shall be given credit for any bond that he may have posted in thecourt from which he appeals and shall be treated in accordance with theprovisions of Article 1 (§ 19.2-119 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of Title 19.2. Anynew bond which may be required for the release of such person pending theappeal shall be given before the judge or the clerk of the district court andtreated in accordance with Article 1 of Chapter 9 of Title 19.2; however, ifthe judge or clerk is not available to take the bond, the bond may be givenbefore a magistrate serving the jurisdiction. Whenever an appeal is taken andthe ten-day period prescribed by § 16.1-133 has expired the papers shall bepromptly filed with the clerk of the circuit court.
(1956, c. 555; 1981, c. 159; 1999, cc. 829, 846; 2008, cc. 551, 691.)