§ 16.1-218. Established; active and honorary members.
There is hereby established a Judicial Conference of Virginia for DistrictCourts whose active members shall be the judge of every general districtcourt and juvenile and domestic relations district court of the Commonwealth.The Attorney General of Virginia, the chairmen of the Courts of JusticeCommittees of the Senate and House of Delegates or their designees who shallbe members of the Courts of Justice committees, the president and secretaryof the Virginia State Bar, the president and secretary of the Virginia BarAssociation, the president and secretary of the Virginia Trial LawyersAssociation, the president and secretary of the Old Dominion Bar Association,the president and secretary of the Virginia Association of Commonwealth'sAttorneys, the president and secretary of the Virginia Women AttorneysAssociation, the president and secretary of the Virginia College of CriminalDefense Attorneys, and the president and secretary of the VirginiaAssociation of Defense Attorneys shall be honorary members of the Conferencewithout voting privilege.
(1962, c. 622; 1970, c. 559; 1972, c. 518; 1975, c. 334; 1980, c. 447; 1981,c. 231; 1989, c. 597; 1990, c. 249; 2001, c. 229; 2008, c. 115.)