§ 16.1-220. Meetings; active members must give notice of inability to attend;special session concerning motor vehicle and traffic laws.
The Conference shall meet at least once in each calendar year at the call ofthe president and at such other times as may be designated by him or by theexecutive committee for the purpose of discussing and considering means andmethods of improving the administration of justice in this Commonwealth. Ifany active member shall for any cause be unable to attend, he shall promptlynotify the president. Unless excused from attendance, it shall be the duty ofeach active member to attend and remain throughout the proceedings of theConference.
In conjunction with said meetings and as a part thereof, the Conference shallconduct a session at least once each year devoted to the consideration of andinstruction on the Commonwealth's motor vehicle and traffic laws and theirproper administration. Unless excused from attendance, it shall be the dutyof each active member whose jurisdiction includes cases involving violationsof such laws to attend this session. The Executive Secretary of the SupremeCourt shall be responsible for preparing the program for this session, andthe office of the Attorney General. Department of State Police and Departmentof Motor Vehicles shall cooperate with him in preparing for this session.
(1962, c. 622; 1968, c. 496; 1970, c. 559.)