§ 17.1-113. Places of holding courts; certain orders and decrees enteredelsewhere.
Every circuit court for any county or city shall be held at the courthouse ofsuch county or city, except when some other place is prescribed by law orlawfully appointed. However, the judge of the circuit court of any county orcity may enter any order or decree at his home or office or elsewhere withinhis circuit.
In the interest of justice, the chief judges of the Twenty-first and theTwenty-third Judicial Circuits may, by order, designate one or more of thecourtrooms of any circuit court within their respective circuits as thecourtroom or courtrooms in which civil or criminal cases whose venue is laidwithin the circuit may be tried. In criminal cases, jurors summoned to appearat such courtroom or courtrooms shall reside in the locality in which thecrime was committed, except as otherwise provided by law.
(Code 1919, § 5964, § 17-14; 1940, p. 325; 1998, c. 872; 2005, c. 389.)