§ 17.1-114. When and how changed.
Whenever in the opinion of a circuit court or the judge thereof, thecourthouse or other place wherein it is required to hold its session cannotor should not for any reason be occupied by it, or if the same has beendestroyed, or is being repaired, renovated, or enlarged, the court may holdits session at such places within the geographical limits of the samejudicial circuit as the court may direct by an order to its clerk. The courtshall continue to hold its sessions in such other place until the courthouseor its lawful place of session can be occupied, or until another has beenbuilt and fitted for the court's occupation, or until such repairs,renovations or additions have been completed, or until some other place isdesignated by the court. Except as provided in subsection C of § 17.1-330 orthis section or as agreed to by all parties to an action, no session of acircuit court shall be held outside the geographical limits of the county orcity of which it is the court.
In the interest of justice, the chief judges of the Twenty-first and theTwenty-third Judicial Circuits may, by order, designate one or more of thecourtrooms of any circuit court within their respective circuits as thecourtroom or courtrooms in which civil or criminal cases whose venue is laidwithin the circuit may be tried. In criminal cases, jurors summoned to appearat such courtroom or courtrooms shall reside in the locality in which thecrime was committed, except as otherwise provided by law.
(Code 1919, § 5965, §§ 17-15, 17-18; 1962, c. 405; 1966, c. 348; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 156; 1998, c. 872; 2005, c. 389; 2010, cc. 451, 757.)