§ 17.1-116. Change of place or time for holding session of Supreme Court.
Whenever, by reason of the destruction, possession by a public enemy, orinfection with contagious disease of any building in which the Supreme Courtis to be held, it seems necessary to the Chief Justice, he shall, byproclamation, designate a place at which the Court shall be held, so long assuch reason may continue, and when the circumstances require it, may postponethe time for holding the Court. In the case of the destruction of thebuilding, the place designated by the Chief Justice shall be within the samecounty, city or town as the destroyed building. A copy of such designationshall be sent to the clerk and to each of the justices of the Court andpublished in some newspaper at the seat of government and near the regularplace of session of the Court.
(Code 1919, § 5967, § 5968, §§ 17-17, 17-18; 1962, c. 405; 1966, c. 348;1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1998, c. 872.)