§ 17.1-123. How orders are recorded and signed.
A. All orders that make up each day's proceedings of every circuit courtshall be recorded by the clerk in a book known as the order book. Orders thatmake up each day's proceedings that have been recorded in the order bookshall be deemed authenticated when (i) the judge's signature is shown in theorder, (ii) the judge's signature is shown in the order book, or (iii) anorder is recorded in the order book on the last day of each term showing thesignature of each judge presiding during the term.
B. If a judge dies, retires or resigns before orders recorded in the orderbook have been authenticated, the orders shall have the same force and effectand shall be deemed authenticated when the signature of another judge of thesame circuit court or the signature of the judge appointed to fill thevacancy or to preside over the court until the vacancy is filled isauthenticated as provided in subsection A.
(Code 1919, § 5962, § 17-27; 1940, p. 364; 1954, c. 175; 1966, c. 385; 1990,c. 566; 1998, c. 872.)