§ 17.1-132. Courts Technology Fund.
A. There is hereby established the Courts Technology Fund as a specialnonreverting fund to be administered by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Aportion of the sums collected pursuant to §§ 16.1-69.48:2, 17.1-275,17.1-328, and 17.1-418 as specified in each section shall be deposited intothe state treasury to the credit of the Fund.
B. The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. Any fundsremaining in the Fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to thegeneral fund, but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on the Fund shallbe credited to the Fund. Except for transfers pursuant to this section, thereshall be no transfers out of the Fund, including transfers to the generalfund.
C. Money in the Fund shall be allocated at the direction of the Supreme Courtof Virginia to staff, advance, update, maintain, replace, repair, and supportthe telecommunications and technology systems of the judicial system. Therevenue raised in support of the Fund shall not be used to supplant currentfunding to the judicial branch.
(2006, cc. 623, 718.)