§ 17.1-207. Days of operation of clerks' offices.
A. The clerk's office of every court shall be kept open on every day exceptSaturday, except as provided in subsection B, and Sunday, and the daysprovided for in § 2.2-3300, for the transaction of business; provided that:
1. The clerk's office of the circuit court of any county or city may beclosed on any day which is established as a general holiday for the employeesof such county or city by a resolution duly adopted by the governing body ofsuch county or city and approved by the judge or judges of the circuit courtand filed in the office of the clerk; provided that such general holidayshall have the same force and effect as a legal holiday as set forth insubsection B of § 1-210;
2. The judge or judges of any circuit court in any county or city mayauthorize the clerk of such court to close the clerk's office on ChristmasEve; provided that the closing of any clerk's office as provided by thissubdivision shall have the same force and effect as a legal holiday as setforth in subsection B of § 1-210;
3. The chief judge or presiding judge of any circuit court may authorize theclerk of the court to close the clerk's office on any day when the chiefjudge or presiding judge determines that operation of the clerk's office,under prevailing conditions, would constitute a threat to the health andsafety of the clerk's office personnel or the general public. Closing of theclerk's office pursuant to this subdivision shall have the same effect asprovided in subsection B of § 1-210;
4. The judge or judges of the circuit court of any county or city mayauthorize the clerk of such court to close the clerk's office on any day orportion of a day which the Governor declares as a holiday for stateemployees, or on any day or portion of a day on which the Governor authorizesstate offices to be closed; provided that such closing of any clerk's officeshall have the same force and effect as a legal holiday as set forth insubsection B of § 1-210.
Except for closings pursuant to subdivision 3, whenever the authorization ofthe judge is necessary to close a clerk's office and a court has more thanone judge, the authorization of all such judges shall be necessary.
The judge of the circuit court of any county or city may require the clerk'soffice to be kept open continuously for the transaction of business duringconvenient hours on all the days on which it is required by this section tobe kept open.
B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the clerk, with theapproval of the chief judge, to open the clerk's office on Saturdays, duringsuch hours as the chief judge may authorize, solely for the purposes of (i)permitting examination and copying of court records, (ii) acceptingapplications for and granting licenses pursuant to applicable law, and (iii)recording instruments. For all other purposes, including without limitationthe filing of actions at law and suits in equity and all pleadings, pleas andmotions therein, such clerk's office shall be closed with the force andeffect of a statutory closing as provided in subsection B of § 1-210.
(Code 1919, § 3388, § 17-41; 1920, p. 242; 1930, p. 353; 1936, p. 16; 1942,p. 242; 1944, p. 39; 1946, p. 55; 1947, p. 95; 1950, p. 1166; 1952, c. 434;1954, c. 304; 1956, c. 24; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 64; 1960, cc. 25, 482; 1962,c. 409; 1966, c. 250; 1970, c. 61; 1972, c. 128; 1974, cc. 279, 569; 1986, c.166; 1993, c. 429; 1996, cc. 588, 592; 1998, c. 872; 2000, cc. 412, 444;2001, c. 287; 2005, c. 839.)