§ 17.1-208. Records, etc., open to inspection; copies; exception.
Except as otherwise provided by law, any records and papers of every circuitcourt that are maintained by the clerk of the circuit court shall be open toinspection by any person and the clerk shall, when requested, furnish copiesthereof, except in cases in which it is otherwise specially provided. Thecertificate of the clerk to such copies shall, if the paper copied berecorded in a bound volume, contain the name and number of the volume and thepage or folio at which the recordation of the paper begins and may charge afee therefor pursuant to § 17.1-275. No person shall be permitted to use theclerk's office for the purpose of making copies of records in such manner, orto such extent, as will interfere with the business of the office or with itsreasonable use by the general public.
(Code 1919, § 3388, § 17-43; 1920, p. 242; 1930, p. 353; 1936, p. 17; 1942,p. 242; 1944, p. 40; 1946, p. 56; 1947, p. 96; 1952, c. 286; 1998, c. 872;2002, c. 299; 2007, cc. 548, 626.)