§ 17.1-210. Removal of records or papers prohibited; exceptions.
None of the records or papers of a circuit court shall be removed by theclerk nor allowed by him to be removed out of the county or city wherein theclerk's office is kept, except: (i) on the order of the court or judge; (ii)the clerk, court or judge may allow the records and papers of a pending caseto be removed by an attorney of record in that case to any location withinthe Commonwealth unless the court or judge shall enter an order prohibitingthe removal of such records or paper; (iii) on an occasion of invasion orinsurrection, when, in the opinion of the court, or, in a very sudden case,of the clerk, the same will be endangered, after which they shall be returnedas soon as the danger ceases; and (iv) in such other cases as are speciallyprovided for by law.
(Code 1919, § 3387, § 17-45; 1973, c. 54; 1998, c. 872.)