§ 17.1-221. Reports by clerks of the business of courts of record.
The clerk of each court of record in this Commonwealth, including the clerkof the Court of Appeals, within fifteen days from the end of each calendarmonth, shall make to the Supreme Court a report of the business disposed ofby his court during the month just ended. The report shall be made upon aform furnished by the Executive Secretary and shall contain such informationas the Supreme Court deems proper to enable it to gain a fair knowledge ofthe business of the several courts of the Commonwealth.
The reports shall be filed in the office of the Executive Secretary and theGeneral Assembly or any other body or officer of this Commonwealth shall haveaccess thereto.
(Code 1919, § 3405, § 17-57; 1928, p. 1121; 1938, p. 129; 1944, p. 131; 1964,c. 10; 1984, c. 703; 1998, c. 872.)