§ 17.1-229. Additional documents to be recorded in deed book.
All deeds, homestead deeds and leases of personal property, bills of sale,and all other contracts or liens as to personal property, which are by lawrequired or permitted to be recorded, all mechanics' liens, all other liensnot directed to be recorded elsewhere and all other writings relating to oraffecting personal property which are authorized to be recorded shall, unlessotherwise provided, be recorded in the deed book and shall be indexed in thegeneral index book; provided, however, the clerk may reject any writing forrecordation that is not specifically authorized by law and set out in theCode of Virginia.
(Code 1919, § 3393, § 17-61; 1920, p. 313; 1932, p. 333; 1985, c. 392; 1998,c. 872; 2010, c. 352.)