§ 17.1-238. State highway plat book.
A loose-leaf book known as "state highway plat book," which shall beprovided by the Department of Transportation, shall be installed in thecircuit court clerk's office of each county of this Commonwealth and in theclerk's office of the circuit court of any city wherein the Department ofTransportation has acquired any interest in land, and all highway platspertaining to the primary and secondary highway systems, and all plats inconnection therewith, shall be filed therein by the clerk. The clerk shallnote on each recorded deed relating to such plats and on the margin of thepage of the deed book, wherein such deed is recorded, the numbers of thestate highway plat book and page wherein such plats are filed. The clerk sofiling the plats and so noting the same shall receive a fee of five dollars.All plats filed prior to July 1, 1950, in such state highway plat book be andthe same are hereby validated.
(1950, p. 477, § 17-69.1; 1956, c. 19; 1994, c. 432; 1998, c. 872.)