§ 17.1-239. Character of books used for recording; standards for microfilm,etc.
All books used in the clerk's office for the permanent recordation of deeds,wills and other instruments shall either be made of high quality recordpaper, strictly number one rag stock, or permanent-durable, acid-free papercomposed of strong, well-purified chemical wood fibers as prescribed byregulations pursuant to subdivision 2 of § 42.1-82, or, if microfilm,microfiche, or microphotographic process is used in the clerk's office, thedeeds, wills or other instruments shall be processed in accordance withstandards established pursuant to § 42.1-82. All books are to besubstantially bound, with a durable cloth or plastic cover over all.
(Code 1919, § 3399, § 17-70; 1934, p. 174; 1972, c. 501; 1975, c. 58; 1983,c. 293; 1988, c. 35; 1998, c. 872.)