§ 17.1-253. Committee to inquire into necessity of general index; report;plan adopted; locality to cover cost.
A. Whenever the circuit court, or the judge thereof, finds that there is needof an improved system of general indexing to any of the records kept by theclerk of court, it shall be the duty of the court or judge, in its or hisdiscretion, to appoint a committee to inquire into the necessity for suchindexing, and make a report to the court, or the judge thereof.
B. If the committee reports that the work is needed, the court or judge shallauthorize and direct the committee to make a written contract with someresponsible and experienced person or persons, but such contract shall beapproved by the court or judge before it becomes effective.
C. When such index is installed in any clerk's office the same plan of indexto current records shall be adopted and used by the clerk of such court.
D. The governing body of the county or city wherein such indexing shall bedirected by the court or judge to be done shall, if necessary, provide asufficient sum to pay for such indexing and materials.
(Code 1919, §§ 3395, 3396, 3397, 3398, §§ 17-80, 17-81, 17-82, 17-83; 1948,p. 62; 1998, c. 872.)