§ 17.1-258.3:1. Electronic filing of land records.
A clerk of a circuit court may provide a network or system for electronicfiling of land records in accordance with the Uniform Real PropertyElectronic Recording Act (§ 55-142.10 et seq.) and the provisions of Article2.1 (§ 55-66.8 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 55 regarding the satisfactionof mortgages. The clerk may charge a fee to be assessed for each instrumentrecorded electronically in an amount not to exceed $5 per document. The feeshall be paid to the clerk's office and deposited by the clerk into theclerk's nonreverting local fund to be used to cover operational expenses.Operational expenses shall include, but not be limited to, (i) computersupport, maintenance, enhancements, upgrades, and replacements and officeautomation and information technology equipment including software andconversion services; (ii) preserving, maintaining, and enhancing courtrecords, including, but not limited to, the costs of repairs, maintenance,consulting services, service contracts, redaction of social security numbersfrom land or other records, and system replacements or upgrades; and (iii)improving public access to records maintained by the clerk. The clerk shallenter into an electronic filing agreement with each filer in accordance withVirginia Real Property Electronic Recording Standards established by theVirginia Information Technologies Agency. Nothing herein shall be construedto prevent the clerk from entering into agreements with designatedapplication service providers to provide all or part of the network or systemfor electronic filing of land records as provided herein.
(2008, cc. 823, 833; 2010, c. 430.)