§ 17.1-258.6. Acceptability of electronic medium.
A. In connection with civil proceedings in circuit court, any statutoryrequirement for an original, original paper, paper, record, document,facsimile, memorandum, exhibit, certification, or transcript shall besatisfied if such is in an electronic form approved for filing under theRules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. However, this section shall not applyto documents the form of which is specified in any statute governing thecreation and execution of wills, codicils, testamentary trusts, premaritalagreements, and negotiable instruments.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any statutory authorizationfor the use of copies or reproductions in civil proceedings in circuit courtshall be satisfied by use of such copies or reproductions in hard copy orelectronic form approved for filing under the Rules of the Supreme Court ofVirginia.
(2010, cc. 717, 760.)