§ 17.1-267. Services for which clerks may not charge.
A. No clerk shall charge for taking bond from, administering oath to, ormaking or copying orders as to the appointment or qualification of any judge,magistrate, sheriff, treasurer, commissioner of the revenue, or of a deputyof any of them, or of any escheator, supervisor, or of a guardian orconservator, when his bond is in a penalty not exceeding $1,000.00, or formaking or copying orders as to county allowances, or grand juries, andadministering the necessary oaths.
B. No clerk shall charge for copying or making for or furnishing to theDepartment of Corrections or a federal probation officer a certified copy ofa criminal judgment order or criminal sentencing order.
C. No clerk shall charge a fee for (i) executing any order of publicationunder § 17.1-626; (ii) keeping, preserving, and holding available for publicinspection judgment records, and making entries in and indexing suchjudgments, or discharging, or marking satisfied, a lien under §§ 15.2-2604,15.2-2605 and 15.2-2120; (iii) docketing judgment on forfeited recognizanceor bond under § 19.2-147; (iv) making out reports to the Central CriminalRecords Exchange under § 19.2-390; (v) recording a lien in the miscellaneouslien book under § 43-42 or § 43-43; or (vi) filing an appraiser's reportunder § 56-436.
D. No clerk shall charge a fee for (i) recording the reports of specialreceivers and commissioners as required by § 8.01-617; (ii) copying in theInduction and Discharge Record information obtained from draft boards orrecording the discharge papers, or certified copy of such, of a person whohas served in the armed forces of the United States; or (iii) receiving anymark of designation under § 59.1-103.
(Code 1950, § 14-101; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-90; 1972, c. 549; 1991, c. 46;1992, c. 498; 1994, c. 432; 1997, c. 801; 1998, c. 872.)