§ 17.1-273. Establishment and disposition of fees collected by certain highconstable.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, including a general orspecial act, the City of Norfolk, may, by duly adopted local ordinance,establish fees for the service of process by the office of the highconstable. The office of the high constable in such city shall publish aschedule of such fees by January 1 of each year. Copies of the schedule shallbe forwarded to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Only in the Cityof Norfolk, shall high constables execute all processes, warrants, summonsesand notices in civil cases before the general district court of the city tothe exclusion of the sheriff of the city. Any fees, collected by the officeof the high constable for such process, shall be deposited in the treasury ofthe city wherein such office is situated for use in the general operation ofcity government.
(1998, c. 872; 2007, c. 813.)