§ 17.1-275.4. Fixed misdemeanor reduced from felony revocation fee.
In circuit court, when a person whose charge was reduced from a felony chargeis convicted of a misdemeanor and subsequently suffers partial or fullrevocation of his suspension of sentence or probation pursuant to § 19.2-306,other than a revocation for failure to pay previously assessed court costs,he shall be assessed as court costs a fee of $89.50 to be known as the fixedmisdemeanor reduced from felony revocation fee. A single fixed misdemeanorreduced from felony revocation fee shall be assessed per defendant perhearing without regard to the number of misdemeanor revocations beingconsidered except that if a revocation of probation or suspended sentenceupon a felony conviction is also being considered at the same revocationproceeding, a single fixed felony revocation fee shall apply instead. Theamount collected, in whole or in part, for the fixed misdemeanor reduced fromfelony revocation fee shall be apportioned, as provided by law, to thefollowing funds in the fractional amounts designated:
1. Virginia Crime Victim-Witness Fund (.0335196);
2. Intensified Drug Enforcement Jurisdiction Fund (.0446927);
3. Witness expenses/expert witness fund (.0223464);
4. Commonwealth's attorney fund (state share) (.0837989);
5. Commonwealth's attorney fund (local share) (.0837989);
6. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (.2234637);
7. Regional Criminal Justice Training Academy Fund (.0111732);
8. Warrant fee, as prescribed by § 17.1-272 (.1340782); and
9. Clerk of the circuit court (.3631285).
(1999, c. 9; 2002, c. 831; 2003, c. 1039.)