§ 17.1-275.6. Fees collected from court reporter fund.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in any court in which electronicdevices are used for recording testimony, a sum not to exceed twenty dollarsfor each day or part of a day of the trial shall be paid by the clerk, fromthe court reporter fund as set forth in §§ 17.1-275.1, 17.1-275.2 and17.1-275.3, or a sum not to exceed five dollars for each day or part of a dayof the trial of a case wherein costs are assessed pursuant to § 17.1-275.8shall be paid by the clerk, from the court reporter fund as set forth in §17.1-275.8, into a special fund to be used for the purpose of repairing,replacing or supplementing such electronic devices or, if a sufficient amountis available, to pay the purchase price of such devices in whole or in part.For the purpose of this section, repairing shall include maintenance andservice contracts. Fees collected under this article shall be retainedlocally and shall not be subject to the provisions of § 17.1-286.
(2000, c. 875; 2002, c. 831.)