§ 17.1-288. Compensation and expenses of clerks of circuit courts in Citiesof Richmond and Newport News.
In the City of Richmond and in the City of Newport News, the clerk of thecircuit court shall be paid a salary by the city of not less than the amountwhich would be allowed to be retained by the respective clerks under statelaw. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prevent such clerks fromreceiving any future increases that may be allowed clerks of circuit courtsfrom time to time by the General Assembly.
Such salaries shall be in full compensation for services and shall be in lieuof the retention by such clerks of any and all official fees, commissions andemoluments of whatever kind or character, and from whatever source derived;and the city council of each such city shall provide for the payment of suchsalaries out of the city treasury in equal biweekly, semimonthly or monthlyinstallments. The expenses of office of such clerks, including thecompensation of all deputies and employees, shall likewise be paid to eachsuch clerk out of the city treasury on duly authenticated vouchers when andas such expenses are incurred or may become due and payable or at leastmonthly. The maximum amount of such expenses shall be fixed by theCompensation Board, and the Board shall fix the number and compensation ofthe deputies and employees of each such clerk.
All fees, commissions, and emoluments of every kind or character received orcollected by such clerks, and from whatever source derived, shall be paidinto the city treasury by such clerks monthly. All fees, commissions, andemoluments of every kind and character whether payable by the Commonwealth,the United States, or by private persons, firms or corporations, now orhereafter made receivable by laws or ordinance by such clerks, shall continueto be paid to and collected by such clerks and shall be paid into the citytreasury monthly, except that the city aforesaid shall not be required to payany such clerk any fees or commissions for services performed for such city.
Except as to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Newport News,nothing in this section shall be construed to affect or remove any of suchclerks, their deputies, or employees from coverage by the Virginia RetirementSystem, but they shall remain in such system, and the city shall pay to theVirginia Retirement System such amount as the Commonwealth would have beenrequired to pay had such clerks, deputies and employees continued to becompensated under other provisions of former Article 3 (§ 14.1-136 et seq.)of Chapter 2 of Title 14.1, and the city shall deduct from the salaries paidsuch clerks, their deputies and employees the employee contribution to theVirginia Retirement System as provided by law.
(1970, c. 382, § 14.1-144.1; 1973, c. 544; 1981, c. 14; 1983, c. 580; 1998,c. 872.)