§ 17.1-303. Election of successor justice before date of vacancy.
Whenever a vacancy occurs or exists in the office of a justice of the SupremeCourt while the General Assembly is in session, or whenever the term ofoffice of a justice of the Supreme Court will expire or the office will bevacated at a date certain between the adjournment of the General Assembly andthe commencement of the next session of the General Assembly, a successor maybe elected at any time during a session preceding the date of such vacancy,by the vote of a majority of the members elected to each house of the GeneralAssembly, for a full term and, upon qualification, the successor shall enterat once upon the discharge of the duties of the office; however, suchsuccessor shall not qualify prior to the predecessor leaving office. Noperson shall be elected or reelected to a subsequent term under this sectionuntil he has submitted to a criminal history record search and a report ofsuch search has been received by the chairmen of the House and SenateCommittees for Courts of Justice.
(1991, c. 31, § 17-93.1; 1998, c. 872; 2004, c. 452.)