§ 17.1-306. What may be tried at special session; effect of decisions.
At any such special session, the Supreme Court, by consent of the parties ortheir counsel, may hear and determine any cause then ready for a hearing, or,without such consent, upon twenty days' previous notice in writing, given bya party desiring a hearing to the adverse party, of his intention to insiston the same. The Court, at such special session, shall, after notice to theparties or their counsel from the clerk of the Court, hear any cause which,in its opinion, the public interest requires to be heard and determined. Anyjudgment, decree or order entered or made at such special session shall havethe same effect and may be reviewed and reheard in like manner and subject tothe same rules as a judgment, decree or order entered or made at a regularsession.
(Code 1919, § 5886, § 17-102; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 51; 1998, c. 872.)