§ 17.1-309. Jurisdiction of writs of mandamus and prohibition.
The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus andprohibition to the circuit and district courts and to the State CorporationCommission and in all other cases in which such writs, respectively, wouldlie according to the principles of the common law. Provided that no writ ofmandamus, prohibition or any other summary process whatever shall issue inany case of the collection of revenue or attempt to collect the same, or tocompel the collecting officers to receive anything in payment of taxes exceptsuch money as is legal tender for the payment of revenue, or in any casearising out of the collection of revenue in which the applicant for the writof process has any other remedy adequate for the protection and enforcementof his individual right, claim and demand, if just.
(Code 1919, § 5864, § 17-96; 1998, c. 872.)