§ 17.1-314. Executive Secretary.
The Office of Executive Secretary to the Supreme Court, to be filled by aperson having the qualifications as may be prescribed by the justices of theSupreme Court, is hereby created to be the court administrator for theCommonwealth. He shall be appointed by the Supreme Court, shall hold officeat the pleasure of the Court, and during his term of office shall not engagein the private practice of law. He shall receive such compensation as may befixed by the Court. He may, with the approval of the Court, employ suchpersons as are necessary for the performance of the duties of his office,whose compensation shall be fixed by the Court within the limits of theamounts appropriated by law.
(1952, c. 506, § 17-111.1; 1966, c. 148; 1973, c. 544; 1998, c. 872; 2005, c.237.)