§ 17.1-329. Disposition of fees of Clerk of Supreme Court.
The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall keep an accurate account of all fees andcosts collected by him and shall make monthly deposits thereof in adepository, or depositories, approved by the State Treasurer, to the creditof the Commonwealth of Virginia. A report of each deposit shall be promptlysubmitted to the State Treasurer, and detailed reports thereof shall be mademonthly to the State Comptroller. Except as provided in § 17.1-328, all suchfees and costs shall be credited by the Comptroller to the general fund ofthe state treasury.
(Code 1950, § 14-40; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-31; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1998,c. 872; 2006, cc. 623, 718.)