§ 17.1-413. Opinions; reporting, printing and electronic publication.
A. The Court of Appeals shall state in writing the reasons for its decision(i) rejecting a petition for appeal or (ii) deciding a case after hearing.Subject to rules promulgated under § 17.1-403 the Court in its discretion mayrender its decision by order or memorandum opinion. All orders and opinionsof the Court of Appeals shall be preserved with the record of the case.Opinions designated by the Court of Appeals as having precedential value oras otherwise having significance for the law or legal system shall beexpeditiously reported in separate Court of Appeals Reports in the samemanner as the decisions and opinions of the Supreme Court. The clerk of theCourt of Appeals shall retain in the clerk's office a list and brief summaryof the case for all unpublished decisions and opinions of the Court ofAppeals. The list of cases and summary shall be made available to any personupon request.
B. The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall contract for theprinting of the reports of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals and forthe advance sheets of each court. He shall select a printer for the reportsand prescribe such contract terms as will ensure issuance of the reports assoon as practicable after a sufficient number of opinions are filed. He shallmake such contracts after consultation with the Department of GeneralServices and shall distribute these reports in accordance with the applicableprovisions of law. He shall also provide for the electronic publication onthe Internet of the opinions of the Supreme Court and Court of Appealssubject to conditions and restrictions established by each court regardingthe electronic publication of its opinions.
(1983, c. 413, § 17-116.010; 1984, cc. 635, 701; 1997, c. 316; 1998, c. 872.)