§ 17.1-414. Facilities and supplies.
A. The Court of Appeals shall be housed in the City of Richmond and, ifpracticable, in the same building occupied by the Supreme Court. Whenfacilities are required for the convening of panels in other areas of theCommonwealth, the chief judge of the Court of Appeals shall provide for suchphysical facilities as are available for the operation of the Court ofAppeals. The Court of Appeals may use any public property of, or any propertyleased or rented to, the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisionsfor the holding of court and for its ancillary functions upon properagreement with the applicable authorities. The Court of Appeals may use anyfederal courtroom or other facility for the holding of court and for itsancillary functions upon proper agreement with the applicable authorities.Any expense incurred for use of such facilities may be paid from the fundsappropriated by the General Assembly to the Court of Appeals.
B. The Court of Appeals shall purchase such books, pamphlets, publications,supplies, furnishings, and equipment as necessary for the efficient operationof the Court, and the cost thereof shall be paid by the clerk from theappropriation for the operation of the Court of Appeals.
C. The Court of Appeals shall utilize the State Law Library provided by §42.1-60.
(1983, c. 413, § 17-116.011; 1984, c. 701; 1998, c. 872.)