§ 17.1-418. Fees charged by Clerk of the Court of Appeals.
The Clerk of the Court of Appeals shall charge the following fees:
1. For filing a notice of appeal or initiating any matter under the originaljurisdiction of the court, $50 payable by check or money order to the Clerkof the Court of Appeals. Twenty-five dollars of each fee collected under thissection shall be apportioned to the Courts Technology Fund established under§ 17.1-132.
2. For making and certifying a copy of any record or document in the Clerk'soffice, ten cents per 100 words or twenty-five cents per page.
3. For verifying and certifying any record or document not actually copied bythe Clerk, one-half of the fee for copying and certifying, which shall not,however, be applied to the certification of a copy of the record in the Courtwhich has already been printed.
4. For authentication of any record, document or paper under the seal of theCourt, fifty cents.
5. For copying and certifying any document or paper of less than 250 words,twenty-five cents.
6. For all other services not specifically mentioned above, the same fee thatwould be charged by a clerk of a circuit court in similar cases.
(1992, c. 253, § 14.1-120.1; 1998, c. 872; 2006, cc. 623, 718.)